Are “Money Legos” Making Bankers Non-Essential? Here’s What You Need to Know About the Rise of DeFi (Decentralized Finance).

If you’ve been paying any attention to the crypto/blockchain industry over the past several months, you’ve likely heard of DeFi (Decentralized Finance), aka, “Money Legos.” As an economic force, DeFi is experiencing exponential growth. Over $2 billion in Ethereum and Bitcoin are now sloshing around in various DeFi protocols. Just last month, nearly half of that was added. DeFi platforms…

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Blockchain Rises to the Role of Essential Technology as a Result of the Covid-19 Pandemic

The last time we faced a major systemic crisis was in 2008. Ironically, the technology that is showing itself to be an effective solution and in some cases, the only solution to many of the challenges being created by the current Covid-19 crisis was also a product of 2008. That event was known as the Subprime mortgage crisis and kicked…

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2020 is the Year of Your $DigitalName

Worldwide, consumers opened their financial wallet apps over one trillion times in 2019, research reported and released by Liftoff and App Annie in April 2020. That trend is projected to continue with the current economic climate.  In relation to digital wallets, unlike other traditional businesses, the banking and finance industries need not to introduce radical transformation to their procedures for implementing blockchain technology. New…

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Thomas Carter and Jerome Conlon Speak at Virtual Blockchain Week

Virtual Blockchain Week welcomes a multifaceted set of speakers who represent a dynamic mix of groundbreaking trailblazers, emerging technologists, futurists, thought leaders, authors, and entrepreneurs who will provide attendees with unique insight and detailed explanation during their presentations, all from the comfort and safety of your home. Featured Speaker: Jerome Conlon | CMO on the founding team of TNS | DigitalNames Jerome is…

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Thomas Carter Prepares The General Public For The Future Of Financial Markets

Fintech thought leader Thomas Carter is leading the wave on how the latest technology should be appropriated to streamline financial markets. With his theories already embraced by international governing bodies and countries alike, Carter proposes that the imminent blockchain internet will create the need to centralize transactability for corporations and individuals alike. Such centralization- which can be accomplished for instance…

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Meet Thomas Carter’s Digital Names: The FinTech Company That is Simplifying Digital Wallet Usability

If accidentally dripped, wash any makeup on careprost free face shipping remove any contact lenses you are wearing. How to use Careprost. These are not carperost promises, the results were obtained as a result of numerous tests and scientific research. After the blood supplies being increased in the area, the blood circulation will also increase, this is really important because…

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Introducing the Next Wave of Financial Technology Evolution: Thomas Carter’s Digital Names

Today, at the height of the evolution of financial technology, people are using credit cards and legal tender less and less. With an array of options like Venmo, PayPal, Zelle, cryptocurrency and even digital wallet services like Apple Pay for live in-person transactions, the use of digital finance has only begun to peak. Still, with these developments, the organization for…

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Thomas Carter Delivers The First Financial Solutions For The Decentralized Internet

With markets about to hit record fragmentation, Fintech Mogul Thomas Carter’s product Digital Names will be able to help consumers keep banking simple, easy, and safe. Finance whiz Thomas Carter and his Orange County based advisory firm Deal Box have been the first to solve for the imminently approaching decentralized internet (what tech experts hail ‘the fourth industrial revolution’)…..leaving consumers…

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DealBox and The Kerplunk Discuss Digital Securities in the COVID-19 Era

: The new coronavirus, which first emerged in the Chinese city of Wuhan last December, has infected more than 200,000 people in at least 173 countries and territories globally, according to the World Health Organization. Major institutions and banks have cut their forecasts for the global economy, with the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development being one of the latest...
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The Future of Crowdfunding & Digital Securities

Rocket Your Dollar Ep. 32: The Future of Crowdfunding & Digital Securities Written by Rocket Dollar | March 18 2020 Podcast Transcript Thomas Young: Hi, everyone. Thanks for being back on the show. Today, I’m excited to have John Nance with us. John is the current president and chief investment officer at Deal Box, Inc. Deal Box is a…

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